According to wikipedia she was born on 28-12-1949 at Baroda, today's Vadodara in Gujarat state of India. Birth time is not known. However this need not deter us from analyzing her birth chart, because we have enough tools to do so.
All said and done, we cannot simply brush aside the role of Osho in the modern Indian spiritual scenario. Despite all the crimes that were committed in his organisation, both in India and USA, we cannot say that his logic, his thinking and his books are useless. He talked really good things, at least to a large extent, though he failed miserably in translating his great teachings into real life. He criticized everybody, politicians and saints alike, only to become a laughing stock in the end of his life. He may be good or bad or ugly or whatever, it is simply not easy for India and USA to forget Osho totally. All the gurus who came after him are using his teaching directly or indirectly. This is an undeniable truth.
Sheela was born under Revati star according to Indian Asttrology. On the day she was born, it was Sukla Navami, Wednsday, the Yoga being Parigha. To my amusement I found that I share the same star with her. Maybe that is the reason why, despite reading so much and listening to so many people, branding Sheela as the real villain of the Osho circus, I somehow feel a soft corner for her in my heart.
According to Sheela, she did not do anything that Osho did not approve of. Osho sat behind the screens and cleverly got everything done through Sheela. However, in the end, Osho acted innocent and throwed all the blame on her. Of all his crimes, I think this is the biggest crime he committed. He was the mastermind behind all the Rajneeshpuram crimes, except of course, the wiretapping of his own house but in the end he squarely blamed Sheela for everything. This is not the quality of a real guru at all.
If we look at the teachings of Osho, listen to his speeches and read his books, we will think very high of his spiritual stature. He appears to be greater than the Buddha himself. But wait a minute, don't believe all that was written in the books. Any intelligent speaker can talk that way. If Osho was really an enlightened man, how could he not understand the secret plans of Sheela? We can never get a satisfactory answer to this question. In the beginning he said to her ' You are in love with me and I am in love with you'. Poor Sheela believed those words ! In the end, after she flew away from Rajaneeshpuram, he said in an open interview ' She is a perfect bitch. She was sore that I did not make love to her'. I felt disgusted to hear him speak that way. In fact, I never heard any enlightened guru speak as nastily as Osho did in that interview. Shame on him !
Osho said many times that his vision was - Zorba the Buddha. It simply means, being able to enjoy all the pleasures of life and yet remain in the state of a Buddha. All this jargon sounds very good to listen to, but none can be like 'Zorba the Buddha' in his life. It does not mean doing all kinds of nasty things 24x7 and sitting in a meditative posture for some time, posing as if you are a Buddha. It never works that way ! He no doubt talked big words from the podium, but failed miserably in his life to set an example to others in true spiritual life. In this process, he ruined the lives of thousands of his innocent followers who were real seekers of spiritual solace.
A guru is one who shows you the right path, who leads you on the path of light and blessedness. We cannot call him a guru who plays with innocent lives and finally tries to escape saying 'I don't know, I am not responsible for all those nasty things. My secretary was responsible. Jail her!'. Similarly, if a guru says - means and ends can be different or diametrically opposite, you do anything but do meditation' - then we know for certain that he is a fraud. Your goal certainly depends on your path, your sadhana and what you do in your life. If one keeps walking on a muddy road with dirt all over his body and says ' I am going to heaven', we cannot believe it at all. You are just cheating yourself and cheating the world.
In the 70s there used to be what were called 'therapy groups' in the Pune ashram. Even for the foreigners, they were very costly programs. Indians were not allowed to participate in them. They used to conduct the groups secretly. There were beating, fighting and group sex in some of them. There were instances of broken bones and bruised faces in those sessions. However, foreigners used to stand in queue for doing them, because the sessions used to flush out all their psychological burdens and make them very light inside. The programs being costly, all their money used to be exhausted very soon leaving them penniless. So, some of the girls opted for prostitution to earn money and some men used to sell drugs. Osho never prohibited such activity. He just said 'Do the therapies'. Moreover, he used to support all their negative activity to earn money for the sake of meditation. One can see a cunning Jain in Osho at such times.
I really feel sorry for those sincere girls who went to the extent of selling their bodies in the Pune streets, just to be able to do meditation ! My heart goes out to them, wherever they are now ! I am sure if they are dead by now, they are in heaven and Osho lies in hell crying for help !
I am asking Osho a direct question. 'Couldn't you teach your bogus meditations to these sincere souls freely? Who told you to sell your meditations? Should a girl sell her body to do your meditations? And you supported such activity? Can you imagine your family members doing the same thing in Pune streets? Are you a human being? What is the value of your grand teachings contained in 300 books? Mere trash !'
It is for this reason that U G Krishnamurti, the true sage of last century, used to rightly call Osho a pimp.
We have an adage in India 'The king suffers for the sins of his people. The guru suffers for the sins of his disciples'. A guru must correct his disciples when they go astray and bring them back onto the right track. Instead of doing this, if one encourages them to do all sorts of nasty things only to leave them to their fate and fly away in a jet plane one fine morning shows that he is certainly a fake guru. Sheela also did the same thing a few months before. Together they ditched all the other disciples who trusted them with their lives and life long savings. Very bad indeed ! Both Osho and Sheela amassed heavy bad karma into their account !
The one thing that strikes an astrologer in her chart is the debility of Jupiter. Jupiter is called deva guru, or preceptor of gods in Indian astrology. If Jupiter or Guru is in Capricorn or Makara in a chart, you can understand on its face that the native will never be able to grow spiritually. It is a curse of Guru. Usually, such a native will get a very mean guru in his life or he gets ditched by his guru or he back stabs his guru or he himself will become a false guru. One of these things will certainly happen. This placement of Jupiter (Guru) in the chart is a result of the native's betrayal of his guru in his past birth. So, in this birth he will never evolve spiritually. If he is lucky to get a real guru, then he has to spend his life in serving him. By doing so, his past sin gets diluted. Usually, for people with debilitated Jupiter, astrological remedies never seem to work. Such is the power of this curse.
Let us look at the planetary positions in Sheela's chart.
Sun in Sagittarius
This gives a highly ambitious nature, an egoistic mindset and a flair to reach higher positions in a religious organisation because Sagittarius is the natural 9th house indicating religion and high position.
Rahu and Moon in Pisces
This is a bad yoga as per Indian Astrology. It generates the mindset of an underworld don. However, in this chart, Rahu represents Jupiter which is called Guru Chandala Yoga. This yoga appears in a chart due to the native betraying his guru in the past. By this yoga, the native lands himself in the clutches of a fake guru. It also makes the native to do things that are opposed to tradition and good conduct, crimes and clandestine activities.
Mars and Ketu in Virgo
This is a signature Yoga for hypocrisy and egoistic mindset. Ketu in Virgo signifies Mercury in exaltation. This shows a highly intelligent mindset bent towards crime. It also gives to the native a very adamant mind. She will try to boss over others, without listening to any sane advice. This is sarcastically called 'intelligence that brings about one's own death'.
Saturn in Leo
Coming to power from a backdoor, enjoying power for a while and then disappearing into oblivion - these are the indications of this Yoga. The native gains immense popularity in the masses but soon his fame turns into infamy.
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Capricorn
I have described in detail the effects of Jupiter or Guru in debility. Spirituality can never be their cup of tea. Strangely, Sheela utters the same words in the Netflix documentary. They go to any length to achieve what they are bent over. They get timely help from associates and companions but in the end everything will go into the drain. Meanwhile the native gets very bad name in the world. Karaka for intellect Mercury with neecha Jupiter shows that a mean guru will spoil her intellect. Venus in the same place shows the multiple sexual relations the native will have in her life, in a fake religious organisation.
We can see that all these incidents clearly happened in Sheela's life.
(To be continued)
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