Saturday 10 August 2024

Bangladesh Crisis - Uranus Cycles

Bangladesh has descended into chaos.

They may celebrate this as 'Second Independance', yet the ongoing atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh are the evidence to prove that they are heading towards mad destruction.

Many thinkers are suspecting the hand of deep state, Pak ISI and China behind the developments in Bangladesh. These suspicions are not without any basis.
The current unrest in Bangladesh poses clear danger to India. Once a pro-Islamic government is set up, there will be demand for a greater Bangla state claiming parts of India and Burma as Muslim populated regions. This may be supported overtly or covertly by the fundamental Islamic countries with the result that India will face a real crisis in the coming years.

Uptil now India is facing terrorist insurgencey in Jammu & Kashmir border. Now it will have to face the same music in the East along the 4000 Km border it has with Bangladesh. The Indian states of Assam and West Bengal will be the prime targets for the Islamic terrorists.

What do the planets say in this matter?

Uranus got the key. In the month of June, Uranus entered Taurus, the sign of India. Just in a month, the democratically elected Goverment in Bangladesh was toppled.

Uranus takes 84 years to make one revolution around the zodiac. In other words, it stays for 7 years in a sign. In the past, it was in Taurus between 1940-48, now coming again to the same position it was in 84 years ago.

What are the things controlled by Uranus?

Insurgencies, revolutions, riots and destruction, coups, toppling of Governments and wars are controlled by Uranus. History bears testimony to this bitter truth !

Globally, we are going to see now the same conditions that were prevalent 84 years ago. 

What heppened between 1940-48 ?
There was second world war between 1939-45
At the same time, there was struggle for Indian Independance. We got independance in 1947, precisely in this time slot.

According to official estimates, about 7. 5 crores of people including soldiers died during second world war. 

Officially, half a million people died in border clashes during partition of India in 1947, but the real figure was double than that.

Sadly, we are going to witness the same scenario between 2024-2030.

Current wars between Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Iran, China and Vietnam and now the fundamental Islamic regime in Bangladesh aided by Pakistan, Al Qaeda and Iran may most probably escalate into full scale third world war.

Rohini Sakata Bhedan (Breaking of Rohini chariot)
There is an established principle in Indian Astrology. Whenever bad planets transit the star Rohini (Aldebaran) there will be wars. This phenomenon was known in ancient India and was recorded in Mahabharat war time (3200 BCE).

Uranus transited Rohini Star in 1943-45. It was exactly then that the second world war reached its peak. It was then that atom bomb was dropped on Japan.

Now again, Uranus is going to traverse Rohini between 2026-28. So the world is going to witness the scenes that it saw 84 years ago.

Saturn transit of Aries
Aries is the place of fall for Saturn. He will transit Aries between 2027-30. It will be a troublesome period globally. Indian sub continent will face rough weather during this timeslot because Aries represents Britain and Pakistan, among some other places. An unstable Pakistan is a headache to India for sure.

Summing up, Uranus and Saturn are goint to take the world through the worst possible chaos from 2026 to 2029. At the same time, India will also face very tough times.

The need of the hour is a strong nationalist Government at the centre and equally supportive strong Governments in the states. People of India must place their country as their top priority before silly things like caste, creed, skin color, region and religion. 

If not, the catastrophic conditions predicted by Yogi Saint Vira Brahmam may come true in the coming seven years. We may be witnessing armageddon with our  own eyes.

You can watch my video on this subject here.

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