Sunday 18 August 2024

Kolkata Doctor's murder - Verdict of planets

A prasna chart was cast at 12.56 yesterday to know about the reality behind the murder of a lady doctor at Kolkata on 9th. 

The woman doctor was brutally gang raped and murdered while on duty inside the hospital. The authorities tried to hush up the case as suicide. Only after media woke up and co doctors started a nationwide protest the investigation was started. All this under a woman chief Minister who seemed to be protecting the criminals.! All this in a state which was once upon a time the cultural center of India !

I was very much pained by this incident and did not even celebrate this year's Independance day, as my silent protest. I did not even think of looking into prasna to know what is behind the curtains. But yesterday noon I suddenly received an inner command to go ahead. Then I did cast the prasna.

Scorpio, the sign of secrets becomes the Lagna. Evidently the case is not as simple as it appears. There are deeper secrets lying behind. 

Moon in the third house says a lot about the role of friends and colleagues. 

Retro Satarn in the fourth house joins Moon indicating the involvement of co-doctors and insiders. The medical college seems to be a den of dark secrets.

Lagna Lord Mars is in 7th house, which is ruled by enemy Venus, along with Jupiter and Uranus. This indicates a nexus of higher authorities, teachers and anti social elements. She landed in their trap.

Jupiter becomes 5th Lord. So, the culprits are not unknown to her. She knows them very much and moves with them in a friendly way.
Most ominous indication is Rahu+Neptune in Pisces, a watery sign. This indicates drug mafia. House Lord Jupiter in 7th shows the friendship and eventual enmity she developed with the drug mafia. Rahu in Jupiter house can indicate Islamic angle to this whole story.

10 th house has Sun, retro Mercury and Venus. Sun is strong in own house showing the role of leaders and authorities.

Retro Mercury indicates the corrupt and mean mindset of those in power I.e the West Bengal Government and its (un)civil servants.

Lagna, Saturn, Jupiter+Mars, Sun+Mercury+Venus are in square aspect with one another. This could mean a terrible rift between the victim and the medical/drug mafia group.

Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Mars have very close degree aspects between them. In this combination, Jupiter and Saturn indicate strong karma, Saturn-Venus shows nasty sexual activity, Saturn-Mars indicates violent crime, Jupiter-Mars shows misuse of power, and Jupiter-Venus shows inside sex racket happeing in the college. 
Saturn debilitated in Navamsa in 6th house shows low level friends and sub staff who are hand in glove with criminals.

Sun exalted in Navamsa in 6th shows strong rift with people in authoritative positions.

Due to exaltation of Jupiter in Navamsa, this case has gained country wide attention and pushed the supreme court to take congigance under suo moto. Otherwise, the case could have remained unreported, like the hundreds of cases happening in every state everyday.

Now, the question is - Will the culpirts be punished?

Lagna lord Mars is in 7th house in the house of enemies. 10th has powerful Sun with square aspect with Mars. 11th Lord Mars goes to 9th and forms 3/11 aspect with Mars. So, the answer is, a lot of legal commotion will take place but eventually the real culprits will escape. 

Prasna dasa is Moon Rahu Rahu Jupier Mercury. Ju-Ra-Me combination indicates a criminal nexus between authorities and enti social elements. A big network is shown by all the dasa planets alligning in 3rd house from one another.

So, as per Astrology, this is not a simple rape case. Certainly there a big nexus behind it involving drugs, corruption, sex racket and misuse of power. It takes great amounts of morality and commitment to solve this case. How many leaders have them nowadays?

In the past, there were any number of such cases viz., Prasanna Laxmi, Mira Jasmine, Pratyusha and Sushant Singh which, with the passage of time, just went down the drain. Most probably, this case also will follow their course.

Statistics say India records 4 rape cases per an hour ! Globally, there is a rape every minute. These are the recorded cases. Reality could be much more !

When you lose your faith in the system, you need to take care of yourself. Time to be vigilant !

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