Sunday 1 August 2021

Wildfires in Turkey

Turkey is burning. 

Wildfires started burning down Turkey on last Wednesday. Till now, 98 wildfires were identified. They are spreading over forests, burning down houses and killing animals.

The Mediterranean coast seems to be the prime target of the wrath of fire god. ముఖ్యంగా Why so? Look at Sun, the Lord of Fire and Mercury, the karaka for intellect, in Cancer, which indicates sea shores. Together, do they not indicate Turkey?

Exactly on Wednesday, Mercury the day Lord, started coming nearer to Sun. He came within 4 degree orb and became combust.

Turkey lies on the 5th degree of Sagittarius which still continues to reel under the Papargala Sandwich Effect. Added to this, we have Mars who is a fiery planet in Leo, a fiery sign, generating a powerful spurt of fire,  Leo also signifies forests and forest animals. We have the powerful fourth aspect of Mars falling on the 5th degree of Sagittarius which signifies Turkey.

Just combine all the above factors and you will understand easily, why 
Turkey is burning.

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