Friday 27 January 2023

Good Bye USA, for now

Last two times when I came to USA, I came in Summer. This time I wanted to see the North America winter. So I came, I saw the minus degree winter and I conquered some hearts too.

However, as per the news channels, this winter has been the warmest in the past 40 years or so. Except for the last two days, that too because of the snow strom that hit the Chicago and Detroit areas, there has been no heavy snow till now. This might be because of the climate change, which is a global phenomenon.

My disciples told me, 'Had you come in the past years you would have seen what a hell it was to live in the coldest winters here. You are lucky this time because the winter is the warmest we have ever seen'. I agree with them but I also know that heaven and hell are in the mind, not anywhere outside us. So, it makes no big difference to me. I saw and experienced the South Indian summers where the heat rises to 122 F. So, heaven or hell makes no big difference for me at this juncture.

During the six morth stay in US, I never visited any tourist place except the local parks and temples. I came here to meet and live with people who love me, not to roam around places. If tourism was my idea, India is a splendid place, It is a mini world.

So, what did I do in these six months? In worldly sense, nothing. I just stayed within the four walls and did my sadhana. It is too personal to be disclosed to the world. However, I did a few things which are outwardly visible.

I wrote ten books which are treasures of Indian spiritual wisdom. They are

    •  1. Sri Goraksha Vachana Sangraham (Telugu) 
    • 2. Yogabijam (Telugu)
    • 3. Adhyatmopanishad (Telugu) 
    • 4. Medical Astrology - II (English) 
    • 5. Uttara Gita (Telugu)
    • 6. Sri Rama Gita (Telugu)
    • 7. Sanatsujatiyam (Telugu)
    • 8. Kaivalyopanishad (Telugu)
    • 9. Vedanta Sara (Telugu)
    • 10. Muktikopanishad (Telugu)
I conducted five spiritual retreats with my followers
    • 1. Detroit retreat 
    • 2. Ganges retreat 
    • 3. Champaign retreat
    • 4. Canton retreat
    • 5. Troy retreat.
  • Initiated my followers into my sadhana path.
  • Talked on various spiritual matters spanning over 20 hours. 
  • Cleared the doubts of my followers on the path of our Sadhana.
During my stay, my disciples who are all around USA looked after me very well. They considered me as their family. I can never forget the love and respect they showed to me.

However, some of my earlier followers never cared to see me or call me on phone, for the reasons best known to them. It might be that they never got from me what they wanted. Or, they might have been attracted to other gurus who promise heaven in a three day course, for a fee. It is their Karma.

I like to spend time only with those who walk my sadhana path. I dislike casual callers or those who ask for astro remedies to fulfil their whims and fancies. There are may gurus in the world who teach such things. I cannot play such tunes. Mine is the pure Yoga-Vedanta path and only those who want to tread it will remain with me, not everybody.

Now I need to go back to India because there are many who have surrendered their US citizenship and their Green cards and relocated to India just to live with me in our Ashram. So, for their love's sake I should return to India. 

So, Good bye USA, for now.

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