Sunday 18 August 2024

Kolkata Doctor's murder - Verdict of planets

A prasna chart was cast at 12.56 yesterday to know about the reality behind the murder of a lady doctor at Kolkata on 9th. 

The woman doctor was brutally gang raped and murdered while on duty inside the hospital. The authorities tried to hush up the case as suicide. Only after media woke up and co doctors started a nationwide protest the investigation was started. All this under a woman chief Minister who seemed to be protecting the criminals.! All this in a state which was once upon a time the cultural center of India !

I was very much pained by this incident and did not even celebrate this year's Independance day, as my silent protest. I did not even think of looking into prasna to know what is behind the curtains. But yesterday noon I suddenly received an inner command to go ahead. Then I did cast the prasna.

Scorpio, the sign of secrets becomes the Lagna. Evidently the case is not as simple as it appears. There are deeper secrets lying behind. 

Moon in the third house says a lot about the role of friends and colleagues. 

Retro Satarn in the fourth house joins Moon indicating the involvement of co-doctors and insiders. The medical college seems to be a den of dark secrets.

Lagna Lord Mars is in 7th house, which is ruled by enemy Venus, along with Jupiter and Uranus. This indicates a nexus of higher authorities, teachers and anti social elements. She landed in their trap.

Jupiter becomes 5th Lord. So, the culprits are not unknown to her. She knows them very much and moves with them in a friendly way.
Most ominous indication is Rahu+Neptune in Pisces, a watery sign. This indicates drug mafia. House Lord Jupiter in 7th shows the friendship and eventual enmity she developed with the drug mafia. Rahu in Jupiter house can indicate Islamic angle to this whole story.

10 th house has Sun, retro Mercury and Venus. Sun is strong in own house showing the role of leaders and authorities.

Retro Mercury indicates the corrupt and mean mindset of those in power I.e the West Bengal Government and its (un)civil servants.

Lagna, Saturn, Jupiter+Mars, Sun+Mercury+Venus are in square aspect with one another. This could mean a terrible rift between the victim and the medical/drug mafia group.

Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Mars have very close degree aspects between them. In this combination, Jupiter and Saturn indicate strong karma, Saturn-Venus shows nasty sexual activity, Saturn-Mars indicates violent crime, Jupiter-Mars shows misuse of power, and Jupiter-Venus shows inside sex racket happeing in the college. 
Saturn debilitated in Navamsa in 6th house shows low level friends and sub staff who are hand in glove with criminals.

Sun exalted in Navamsa in 6th shows strong rift with people in authoritative positions.

Due to exaltation of Jupiter in Navamsa, this case has gained country wide attention and pushed the supreme court to take congigance under suo moto. Otherwise, the case could have remained unreported, like the hundreds of cases happening in every state everyday.

Now, the question is - Will the culpirts be punished?

Lagna lord Mars is in 7th house in the house of enemies. 10th has powerful Sun with square aspect with Mars. 11th Lord Mars goes to 9th and forms 3/11 aspect with Mars. So, the answer is, a lot of legal commotion will take place but eventually the real culprits will escape. 

Prasna dasa is Moon Rahu Rahu Jupier Mercury. Ju-Ra-Me combination indicates a criminal nexus between authorities and enti social elements. A big network is shown by all the dasa planets alligning in 3rd house from one another.

So, as per Astrology, this is not a simple rape case. Certainly there a big nexus behind it involving drugs, corruption, sex racket and misuse of power. It takes great amounts of morality and commitment to solve this case. How many leaders have them nowadays?

In the past, there were any number of such cases viz., Prasanna Laxmi, Mira Jasmine, Pratyusha and Sushant Singh which, with the passage of time, just went down the drain. Most probably, this case also will follow their course.

Statistics say India records 4 rape cases per an hour ! Globally, there is a rape every minute. These are the recorded cases. Reality could be much more !

When you lose your faith in the system, you need to take care of yourself. Time to be vigilant !

Saturday 10 August 2024

Bangladesh Crisis - Uranus Cycles

Bangladesh has descended into chaos.

They may celebrate this as 'Second Independance', yet the ongoing atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh are the evidence to prove that they are heading towards mad destruction.

Many thinkers are suspecting the hand of deep state, Pak ISI and China behind the developments in Bangladesh. These suspicions are not without any basis.
The current unrest in Bangladesh poses clear danger to India. Once a pro-Islamic government is set up, there will be demand for a greater Bangla state claiming parts of India and Burma as Muslim populated regions. This may be supported overtly or covertly by the fundamental Islamic countries with the result that India will face a real crisis in the coming years.

Uptil now India is facing terrorist insurgencey in Jammu & Kashmir border. Now it will have to face the same music in the East along the 4000 Km border it has with Bangladesh. The Indian states of Assam and West Bengal will be the prime targets for the Islamic terrorists.

What do the planets say in this matter?

Uranus got the key. In the month of June, Uranus entered Taurus, the sign of India. Just in a month, the democratically elected Goverment in Bangladesh was toppled.

Uranus takes 84 years to make one revolution around the zodiac. In other words, it stays for 7 years in a sign. In the past, it was in Taurus between 1940-48, now coming again to the same position it was in 84 years ago.

What are the things controlled by Uranus?

Insurgencies, revolutions, riots and destruction, coups, toppling of Governments and wars are controlled by Uranus. History bears testimony to this bitter truth !

Globally, we are going to see now the same conditions that were prevalent 84 years ago. 

What heppened between 1940-48 ?
There was second world war between 1939-45
At the same time, there was struggle for Indian Independance. We got independance in 1947, precisely in this time slot.

According to official estimates, about 7. 5 crores of people including soldiers died during second world war. 

Officially, half a million people died in border clashes during partition of India in 1947, but the real figure was double than that.

Sadly, we are going to witness the same scenario between 2024-2030.

Current wars between Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Iran, China and Vietnam and now the fundamental Islamic regime in Bangladesh aided by Pakistan, Al Qaeda and Iran may most probably escalate into full scale third world war.

Rohini Sakata Bhedan (Breaking of Rohini chariot)
There is an established principle in Indian Astrology. Whenever bad planets transit the star Rohini (Aldebaran) there will be wars. This phenomenon was known in ancient India and was recorded in Mahabharat war time (3200 BCE).

Uranus transited Rohini Star in 1943-45. It was exactly then that the second world war reached its peak. It was then that atom bomb was dropped on Japan.

Now again, Uranus is going to traverse Rohini between 2026-28. So the world is going to witness the scenes that it saw 84 years ago.

Saturn transit of Aries
Aries is the place of fall for Saturn. He will transit Aries between 2027-30. It will be a troublesome period globally. Indian sub continent will face rough weather during this timeslot because Aries represents Britain and Pakistan, among some other places. An unstable Pakistan is a headache to India for sure.

Summing up, Uranus and Saturn are goint to take the world through the worst possible chaos from 2026 to 2029. At the same time, India will also face very tough times.

The need of the hour is a strong nationalist Government at the centre and equally supportive strong Governments in the states. People of India must place their country as their top priority before silly things like caste, creed, skin color, region and religion. 

If not, the catastrophic conditions predicted by Yogi Saint Vira Brahmam may come true in the coming seven years. We may be witnessing armageddon with our  own eyes.

You can watch my video on this subject here.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

'Madhu Shala' Hindi E book released

'Madhu Shala' our Hindi book is released today. This is our 66 th book. In Hindi language, this is our first book.

This is the English version of my Telugu book by the same name. The Telugu and English books have recieved wide appreciation from the readers. So, here comes the Hindi version.

I thank Puja Bagadia, my disciple, who translated my English book into Hindi in record short time. She did a splendid work in bringing out the book in chaste Hindi which is so sweet and so readable.

Like its English counterpart, we hope this too reaches our Hindi readers stationed worldwide.

Friday 5 July 2024

The Wine House

Today we release our 65th book 'The Wine House'.

This is the English translation of my Telugu original 'Madhu Shala' which was received well by the Telugu readers. So, we wanted to make it available to the world at large by presenting its English version.

I am thankful to my disciples who completed the translation within a short span of two months. Not only Enlish, this book has already been translated into Hindi as well. It will be released in a week or so. 

Sometime back I said that all my books will be available in three languages viz., Telugu,Hindi and English. This is a step in that direction. 

Soon, this book will be available in print. For now, only E book is released. 

This book is a boon for those who like solitary meditation. Not only that, my whole philosophy can easily be understood by going through this little book attentively.

Try it and let me know your views.

Friday 25 August 2023

Paramahansa Yogananda horoscope analysis -Law of Karma


Paramahansa Yogananda was born in Gorakhpur at 8.38 PM on 5-1-1893. His name remaines etched in the list of great men who popularized the science of Kriya Yoga in the west.

Kriya yoga is a branch of traditional yoga. It employs methods adapted from various yoga schools like Hatha, Kundalini and tantra with a strong emphasis on Pranayama. By its prctice the yogi attunes himself with the universal sound of Om and gets connected to cosmic consciousness. By merging himself in it, he learns to dissolve his ego in God.

The methods of Kriya Yoga have been known to Indian yogis from thousands of years. Yogananda was selected by providence to spread it in the west.

The first guru who made this yogic method public was Lahiri Mahasaya who lived most of his life in Kasi or Varanasi. Kriya yoga has branched out into several different schools after his demise, each school proclaiming itself to be the possessor of original kriya which exists or not nobody knows.

Look at the birth chart of Yogananda above.

His Lagna as well as Moon sign is Simha. Star is Makha, Venus is Atmakaraka and Jupiter Amatya Karaka.

Lagna Lord Sun is in 5th house along with karaka for intellect Mercury. Rahu is in 9th. In Lagna we have 12th Lord Moon. The mutual trinal aspects between these planets made him tread on the path of Yoga. From Lagnarudha Mesha, we have Moon in 5th, Sun in 9th and from Atmakaraka Lagna Scorpio there are Jupiter and Mars in 5th. All these portray him as a great yogi.
However, family Lord Budha in zero degrees in Rasi Sandhi, malefic Saturn as 7th lord in 2nd house of family denied him the pleasures of a family life.
Swami Vivekananda introduced the wisdom of Vedanta to the west. Yogananda followed him and took Kriya Yoga from India to the west.

Let me look into his birth chart more closely.

His birth time was recorded as 8.38 PM, but I rectified it as 8.39. Those who know how to do birth time rectification will understand the process very well. So, no need to elaborate on that again.

He was born in Ketu-Moon-Saturn dasa. It made him an introvert, emotional and impulsive in nature with strong beliefs in other worlds, souls, energies and such supernatural stuff. If you read his book you will understand how he harps on these points again and again.

Balance of Ketu dasa at birth was 4 years 9 months 15 days. So, by 1897 Ketu dasa was over and Venus dasa of 20 years started.

Venus dasa (1897 to 1917)

He was under Venus-Mars dasas when his mother died in 1904. Venus in 4th and Mars in 8th clearly indicates mothers death.

Venus is not good for Simha lagna natives. It is stationed in 4th house of eduction, but Scorpio is a secretive sign. So, his college education was just nominal. It gave him spiritual educaton instead.

In 1910 when he met his guru Swami Yukteswar Giri he was under Venus-Jupiter dasa. Jupiter is with 9th Lord Mars stationed in spiritual sign Mina. Rahu who is in Mesha again signifies Mars. Rahu is non-traditional in nature, grants knowledge of astrology and foreign religions.

Swami Yukteswar Giri had in depth knowledge of Indian astrology. He revived an ancient branch of astrology known as Cosmic Astrology which has become defunt due to destruction of many invaluable books in Muslim invasions. However his efforts to unite Hinduism and Christianity were never fulfilled. At present the divide between these two religions has become deeper than it was in his time. Though Hindus are very liberal and accept all religions as different paths to the same God, religions like christianity and Islam never subscribe to this view, always asserting their superiority and looking down on Hinduism. This is nothing but a symptom of a primitive, unevolved racist mindset.

Yogannada took sanyas in July 1915 from Swami Yukteswar Giri. He was under Venus - Mercury - Rahu at that time. Mercury in 5th, Rahu in 9th, mutual aspect between them and Venus in 9th Lord Mars' house made him a monk in that period. 

In 1917 in Venus-Ketu dasa, he started Yogoda Satsang Society in India. Venus was looking at 10th house indicating professional landmark and Ketu was in third house of past karma signifying Venus again.

Sun dasa (1917 to 1923)

on 25 July 1920 he had a vision in which he saw himself lecturing in front of a large gathering of white people. Some say he saw Babaji who asked him to go to America to preach Kriya Yoga. It was Sun-Jupiter-Rahu at that time. Sun and Rahu are in trinal aspect, being in 5th and 9th kona rasis. Rahu in 9th indicates a religious mission to foreign lands. Jupiter has argala from Moon and Ketu indicating an occult vision. Hence an event of deep spiritual significance must have happened at that time. But visit of Babaji ? I doubt very much.

Today there are nny number of charlatans who say 'I have seen Babaji'. All the internet gurus claim their authority from Babaji. Even movie actors claim to have seen Babaji. Hilarious ! Babaji has become very cheap nowadays.

Yogananda landed in Boston on 19 September 1920 under Sun-Saturn-Saturn dasa. Saturn is a malefic to this chart and certainly this dasa was not a good one to begin such an important task. That is why there were so many rifts, quarrels and law suits in SRF right from its beginning days.

As 7th Lord, Saturn took him to a distant land, USA. He faced many troubles in the west for 15 years while trying to preach Kriya Yoga. Though initially Americans listend to him with great interest, very soon they lost interest in it. It is natural for them to do so, because America needs newer fads every other day. They, being a very materialistic society, get bored with everything very quickly.

He lived in Boston in 1920-23, teaching Kriya Yoga to the Americans. In his chart, Mercury, Ketu and Venus sub periods were running in the Sun Maha Dasa at that time. So he saw many ups and downs in his spiritual career.

Moon dasa (1923 - 1933)

In 1923, He started touring USA to deliver lectures and continued them till 1924-25 and met his chief disciples. Moon as 12th Lord, being the natural indicator of travelling kept him on the the move always, made him to meet many distinguished personalities and built emotional bonding with many Americans. Moon controls emotions.

His main center, the Mother Center as it is called today, was started at Mt. Washington, Los Angels on 25 October 1925 in Moon-Rahu-Saturn. Moon being the 12th Lord, indicates a foreign land and Saturn is the lord of 10th from 9th showing his spiritual work place. Rahu in the 9th supports this karma. So his main center stood in a foregn land.

Between 1925-33 his fame started spreading. He got acquinted to many well known persons and initiated them into the path of Yoga.

In 1929 Dhirananda his college frined from India and who was summoned to USA to help him in the work, broke his association with Yogananda on monetary grounds. It was Moon-Saturn at that time.  Saturn is 6th and 7th Lord, indicating partners turning into enemies. This dasa is known to give depression and mental unrest. True to its influence, Dhirananda started a law suit against him. Mercury antara followed. Moon-Mercury is known to break family bonds and land a person in serious family disputes. As Yogananda was a monk, and devoid of a family, his own organisation became his family. In the court case that went on for a few years, Dhirananda won against Yogananda. This is a clear indication which proves that a man howsoever great he might be spiritually, can never escape from the effects of planets and karma.

From 1929 to 1939 USA was under great economic depression. Yogananda ran Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus and Sun in the major dasa of Moon. He saw many ups and downs in this period. He was able to stand firmly, only with the financial support extended by his faithful supporter and successor James J. Lynn.

Mars dasa (1933-1940)

During this time, in June 1935 he went back to India for a year.  It was Mars - Jupiter. Jupiter or Guru as he is called in Indian astrology, aptly indicates one's spiritual preceptor. Mars as 9th Lord also indicates one's teacher. However, as Jupiter owns the 8th house of demise and destruction, Sri Yukteswar Giri died shortly after.

In October and November 1935, when he visited Ramana Maharshi in Tiruvannamalai, it was Mars-Jupiter-Sun. It was strange to note that he met Ramana Maharshi, the Sun of the spiritual world, in the sub sub period of Sun in his chart.

However his judgement went wrong. Adivsed by Talyar Khan, a Farsi devotee of Ramana Maharshi, he visited the Maharshi at Tiruvannamalai. But he was impressed more by Yogi Ramayya who was a staunch disciple of Maharshi more than the Maharshi himself. It seems he remarked, 'The disciple (Yogi Ramayya) appears to be spiritually more advanced than his guru (Ramana Maharshi). Nothing could be more false than this evaluation ! When I read this statement by Yogananda, I was aghast with disbelief in his ability to see things clearly.

In December same year, he met Anandamayi Ma who was knwon for her loving nature as indicated by the Vidasa of Moon.

On 9 March 1936 in Mars- Jupiter-Rahu dasa, Swami Yukteswar giri died. We can notice Mars and Jupiter in the 8th house of destruction and Rahu in 9th indicating teacher. It is a guru chandala dasa period. Hence his guru died.

In June - 1936 while on his way back to USA, he saw the astral body of Swami Yukteswar giri from a hotel room in Mumbai, which engaged him in a conversation for about two hours on astral worlds. It was Mars-Saturn-Mercury. This dasa gives accidents or shocks to the mind, also severe depression and loneliness. Cause of his depression was his inability to be at the bedside of his guru, despite the guru's subtle indications that his life was coming to an end shortly. Yogannda certainly might have seen his guru in astral body, but the narration by Sri Yukteswar of the subtle worlds that went on for two hours seems to be a consoling imagination of Yogananda's fertile brain which was under a deep sense of remorse and guilt. Most of the narration was just his imagination. My deduction is clearly supported by the dasa prevaling at that time.

Rahu dasa (1940-1958)

In 1940, Rahu dasa, the last dasa of his life, started to operate. He became a recluse in his own Ashram, living in a solitary retreat cabin built for that purpose. Rahu is in the 9th house of spirituality and meditation. So his sadhana intensified in the final dasa of his life.

In the beginning of Rahu dasa Sri Nerode (Nirad Ranjan Chowdhury) who played a key role in the initial days of SRF separated himself from it and sued Yogananda. Rahu in 9th, with its Lord Mars in 8th started showing its effects. Though Yogananda won the case easily, it was a big blow to his organisation again, after Dhirananda episode.

During Rahu-Rahu and Rahu-Jupiter dasas that ran between 1940 and 1945 he started many new enterprises that eventually collapsed. These dasas are never supportive of any great things to materialize. This again, is a clear proof of what I have been saying for the past decade, that even great people are not immune to planetary influences. 

In 1941 he started 'The Yoga Univarsity of Washington' which did not survive for long. In 1942, the started the 'World brotherhood colony' but there were no takers, so it suffered a natural decline and eventual death.

On 1 Jan 1946, he released his magnum opus, 'Autobiography of a yogi' which has been read by millions of people around the world since then.  It was released under Rahu-Saturn-Saturn dasa. It was a sapita dasa. Because of the trinal stationing of Rahu and Saturn in his chart, the book became an instant success. However, as this is called Sapita Yoga or the cursed yoga, eventually this book has become responsible for the mushroom growth of many psuedo kriya yoga gurus and centers everwhere in the world, each claiming to be the possessor of real kriya yoga technique. I think this real technique does not exist anywhere, because what is real for one may not be so for another ! Spiritual sadhana is individual, never collective.

This book seems to encourage more the other worldy and the supernatural than the mundane. I feel it is more fiction and less real.

In 1948 he confided that he attained an exalted state called Nitya Samadhi. About this time, Kriyananda became his disciple. Rahu-Saturn ended and Mercury sub dasa started at this time in his chart. 5th house where Mercury is stationed was activated and he got new disciples. However, because of the influence of Rahu, Kriyananda separated from SRF in 1962 and established another organisation called Ananda. A court case continued between SRF and Kriyananda for a decade or so. Now the question is, did Yogananda who attained Nitya Samadhi, not know that Kriyananda would eventually estrange himself from SRF and proceed to sue his parent organisation?

In 1949, Yogananda published 'The Holy Science' a book written by Swami Yukteshvar under the guidance of Babaji himself. Though it is a brilliant book that explains the yuga theory in a micro way, I think there are some errors in its calculations. Moreover, cross references from the Vedas and the Bible to show that both are essentially the same, are not found in abundance in it as was expected by a knowledgeable reader who is well versed in both the religions. So, I think the idea of Babaji who wanted to prove the essential oneness of the above two religions was not fulfilled in toto. Even today, except the enlightened people of the west, others look down on Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism with contempt. Conversions are more rampant now in India than ever. So, the divide remains almost the same and the book served no big purpose.

During 1950-52 he was under Rahu-Mercury and Rahu-Ketu dasas. His health declined fast in this period. He became almost a recluse in his Ashram. Finally on 7 March 1952 he fell down after a speech and died of heart attack. He was under Rahu-Ketu-Saturn dasa on that day. Nodal dasa coupled with Sapita yoga drew the curtain on his life.

This proves again that none of us, including the spiritually realized souls, can escape from the influence of planets. A soul when it takes a human body, must undergo the effects of its karma as distributed by the planetary forces. There is no escape !

Yogananda in his book says, he outwitted the stars, in as much as he did not marry thrice as predicted by his family astrologer. He escaped his karma no doubt, but the same karma made him suffer in a different way. His family astrologer predicted that he will marry thrice and two of his wives will die but the third wife will live. Let me show you how this prediction came true, in a different sense.

7th house represents not only life partner, but also business partners. Dhirananda and Nirod were his trusted partners who left SRF and sued him. This is as good as the deaths of two wives. Only James J Lynn remained faithful to him till the end. This is the third marriage which lasted. Yogananda, by his will power, could cancel out the three marriages thus avoiding the deaths of his two wives, but he could not wipe out the karma totally. It came in the form of his trusted followers and made him experience the pain, all the way. 7th house controls marriage as well as business partnership !

So what Yogananda said was wrong. He never outwitted his stars, nor anybody can.

You can never overcome the effect of planets, it is impossible. If you close one window, another opens in the karmic mansion. This is how the law of karma acts, bypassing our efforts to escape from it.

You can only modify your karma. Cancellation is next to impossible !

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Spiritual Astrology

In the past, I had seen a peculiar thing happening many times. People who are running good dasas in their lives happen to come and meet me. It happens not for everyone, but for those who were connected to me from past births. It happened again. A woman in her thirties came to me in Hyderabad, all the way searching for my address and cleared her doubts by talking to me for a couple of hours. She said she had read a few of my books.

Excerpts from that talk for the readers of my blog.

1. Is karma cancelled by remedies? If so, even after performing remedies like homas etc, why problems still remain the same?

Ans: Remedies certainly do cancel out karma, if correct remedies are done in correct way. Not every karma needs homas to be performed. One should take medicine according to the illness. Remedies prescribed by commercial astrologers never work because they are just businessmen. A remedy should exactly match with the problem hauting you. All these people should be without hypocrisy - the one who is seeking the remedy, the one who is prescribing it and the one who is doing it for you. Only then the remedy works, not otherwise.

2. If so, why even bigshots are getting homas done for them?

Ans: Forget about the so-called bigshots, I dont consider them so. Only those who got black money spend it on such things. A man who earns money through righeteous means will never run after such astrologers. He never spends his hard earned money on such remedies.

3. If they find the remedies ineffective, why do they get them done again and again?

Ans: Tell me one thing. Is everyone who is successful in life, doing such remedies? No. Fake astrologers are thriving on the fear factor that haunts the believers. It is just religious blackmail. Thats all. 

4. What kind of remedies you prescribe?

Ans: Not these kind of remedies. These are like taking a pain killer for cancer. Temples, rituals, homas are not real remedies. First of all, you need to change your life style. This is the remedy I usually suggest. 

5. Why do you teach astrology at all?

Ans: My idea is to teach the real science of astrology to the real seekers. Falsehood reigns supreme if truth keeps silent. That is why I teach astrology. 

6. Do the Shashtyamsa Chart (D-60) reveal past birth?

Ans: There is no relation to that with the past birth. Some section of astrologers teach that way, which I dont believe in. Truth is different. 

7. Which amsa chakras do you see, for your analysis?

Ans: Usually, I dont go beyond Rasi and Navamsa charts. This is the ancient method that is being followed by traditional astrologers of India since times immemorial. They reveal everything. Only very rarely do I look into other divisional charts.

8. Does the Rasi chakra itself reveal past birth?

Ans: By all means. If you are experienced you can know. 

9. Today's astrolgoers are earning a lot by prescribing remedies left and right. I know some such people. Are they not gathering more bad karma for themselves by doing so?

Ans: They are. But they dont feel any rough weather when good dasas are running in their lives. Once the dasas change for worse, they get beaten up by destiny.

10. Do they suffer in this life or it gets postponed to a future birth?

Ans: Both are possible. It can be many more ways. If you want to understand the scheme of karma, you must have yoga drishti. If not, you cannot understand it ever. 

11. In your view, how should an astologer conduct himself?

Ans: He should live like a sage. He should not marry if possible, should not crave for money, should not have luxury items in his home, no TV and no mobile. He should eat once a day, sleep on bare floor and be doing sadhana. 

12. Is mantra sadhana a must for an astrologer? Can I not study astrology just like I do mathematics?

Ans: Mantra sadhana is needed. Astrology is not mere mathematics. One needs intuition to be a good astrologer. It comes only from sadhana. 

13. Will anyone be able to do all such things ever?

Ans: Only a few could do them, not everyone.

14. Do you teach all these?

Ans: Not for all. I teach those who I like. It depends on their personality. All my inner circle disciples are such. 

15. What should one do if he wants to learn from you?

Ans: You need to become my disciple and walk in my path. You need to walk in the path I walked myself. We call this path 'Panchawati way'. 

16. Why do you hate visiting holy places?

Ans: Not exactly. One should go there in right spirit. I dont like visiting holy places just like going for a picnic. You need to do it like a sadhana. 

17. I felt great peace in Arunachalam and Varanasi. Was it real?

Ans: For you it was real. Yes, they do have that aura. Not only there, in many such places, there is peace. But you need to be in the right state to feel it. 

18. Nowadays, in every holy place we find a sea of people and noise. How to feel the peace at such places?

Ans: You need to keep your mind above the people and noise. Being amid people, you should be above them. Or, just dont go to such places during festivals. Be in your home and do sadhana, It is the best thing to do. 

19. What do you call your style of astrology?

Ans: You can call it Spiritual Astrology. 

20. What happens if I follow it?

Ans: Same thing that happens if you walk in my sadhana path. Your karma gets cleaned up. You will reach fulfilment in life. 

21. Do I not be successful in life?

Ans: You will reach a state where you will remain the same, in happinss and misery. Nobody's life will be exactly according to his plan. This is true irrespective of your remedies. If you understand this simple truth, you dont need astrology anymore.

22. If that be the case, why should learn astrology from you at all?

Ans: I never force you to learn from me. Dont do it if you dont want. 

23. Suppose we look at a chart, will its bad karma gets transferred to us?

Ans: By mere analysis, you will get a little fo it to yourself. If you prescribe remedies, you will be affected severely. You will suffer surely from that.

24. Can we not learn astrlogy without touching remedial portion?

Ans: You can learn as a hobby. But why? You will feel like looking into everybody's chart and suffer thereby. Occult is not a joke. Never play with that.

25. You walked a long way in your life. How do you feel now?

Ans: Nothing special.

26. What should I do to learn astrology from you?

Ans: Come to our retreats and learn.

27. Your advice to astrologers?

Ans: First clear your karma, then you can think of the world. 

She was satisfied with my answers and went away. I never saw her again. 

Saturday 25 February 2023

New Life

There are 8 billion people living on earth but none of them is really happy. If they think they are, it is just their delusion. The happiness of man is just a fleeting thrill and consolation. Undoubtedly, everyone is suffering from one or many problems of his own.

Man has been searching for solutions to his problems since ages. Religions, gurus, paths, ideologies, cults are but a few things tried by man but none of them solves his problems totally. Real happiness keeps eluding man always. The more he runs after it, the more it runs away from him.

In fact, they are not the means to happiness.

Everyone on the earth is bound. Man tries to break his bonds, to be free. But his endeavours are futile. He runs madly towards some unknown destination. His run is meaningless. Nobody knows if he will find success in his efforts. But one thing is for sure. In his effort to break free, he goes deeper into more problems. Meanwhile his life ends. This is for sure.

Where is the happiness that man is searching for?

It is in the New Life.

New Life does not mean changing one's religion. It is changing oneself.

New Life does not mean duping oneself and others. It is rising above conciet.

It is not the mad run for money till death but stopping your run after you earn what is enough for your reasonalbly good life.

It is not blingly following blind gurus but opening your eyes and living like a real and free man.

New Life means living your life as a totally free being who has no bonds whatsoever.

This is the way of Panchawati.

Meher Baba started New Life in 1949 and ended it in 1952. He said it is eternal and many will come in future who will live it.

Speaking about New Life, he said,

'This New Life is endless, and even after my physical death it will be kept alive by those who live the life of complete renunciation of falsehood, lies, hatred, anger, greed and lust; They do no harm to anyone, do no backbiting, do not seek material possessions or power, who accept no homage, neither covet honor nor shun disgrace, and fear no one and nothing; by those who rely wholly and solely on God, and who love God purely for the sake of loving; do not expect any spiritual or material reward; who do not let go the hand of Truth, and who, without being upset by calamities, bravely and wholeheartedly face all hardships with one hundred percent cheerfulness, and give no importance to caste, creed and religious ceremonies. This New Life will live by itself eternally, even if there is no one to live it.'.

There are two simple rules to be followed in New Life.

1. Total helplessness
2. Total hopelessness

New Life has been in India's soul since ages. Meher Baba did not start it, he just coined the new name.

There were many who lived the New Life before and after Meher Baba. The sages and seekers of olden days lived it. In the modern era, the direct devotees of Sri Ramakrishna lived it. There was never a time, when India was without such people. That is the greatness of this land.

In Panchawati, we are doing the same now.

There are some in Panchawati who are living this New Life silently. Now it is time for expansion. It is time to show to the world what I have been saying for the past ten years.

In another two days, from 1 March 2023, the New Life is going to start in full swing.