In those days, residential schools were started to 'educate' the indigenous children and to teach them English, religion and culture. It was in fact an effort to wipe out their culture, religion and language. It happened in many places and many countries where British colonization took place.
Most of the students who went to these residential schools never returned to their homes. Queries fell on deaf ears, with the parents getting no response from the school authorities who were catholic missionaries. One of the principals of those days complained lack of enough funds to feed the children properly. There was abuse, hunger, intimidation and fear in the campuses. Rampant communicable diseases and lack of proper treatment and medication were the order of the day. There were long rumors of mass graves of children in these residential schools, but no one cared to investigate so far except the indigenous communities. It is evident now, from the ground penetrating radar findings, that children were either killed or they died due to starvation or disease and were buried without any decency or sense of shame by the school authorities in a mass grave. Real reasons may see the light now, after a thorough probe into the matter by the Government.
Inhuman, pathetic, shocking, demoniac and unthinkable !
Canada is mourning. The first nation (indigenous people) are demanding similar radar tests at other schools all over Canada. It is estimated that thousands of children went missing in these schools in the last century.
Now, astrology !
We all know that Gemini rules over USA. So, the next sign, Cancer should represent Canada. This is my personal opinion. Other astrologers may take other Ascendants as they like, but I think it is Cancer because of it being soft, sympathetic, peace loving and emotional, just like Canada. So, taking Cancer as the Lagna of Canada, we find the following planetary placement :
- Mercury, karaka for children, especially students, in zero degrees in 12th house (graves). Zero degree placement is called rasi sandhi or junction of two houses, which could mean junction of two worlds, the living and the dead. Evidently the souls of the poor children were in a threshold all these decades.
- Mercury with Mars in 12th house indicates violent death of children.
- Retro Saturn (grief) lands in Sagittarius to meet Moon (mind). It is the sixth house of diseases. Together they look at Mars and Mercury in Gemini. This indicates disease, starvation and burial of the children and resultant grief and devastation to their families.
- Jupiter, karaka or significator for teachers is in 8th house of secrecy, crime and destruction, having a trinal aspect on Mercury and Mars in Gemini. This means the school authorities resorted to heinous crimes on the innocent children.
- Sun and Venus with exalted Rahu in 11th house could mean sexual abuse.
- Exalted Ketu in Scorpio (secrecy, burial, a hole etc) in 5th house (children) reveals everything very clearly.
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