Thursday 27 May 2021

San Jose Rail Yard Shooting - The Shadow Effect of Planets

On Wednesday the 26th May 2021 at 6-24 AM, there was a random shooting in a Rail yard in San Jose of California, USA, in which nine persons including the gunman were killed. According to the ex wife of the gunman, he used to be an angry person, having issues with his colleagues and his employers.

It was full Moon and a lunar eclipse. As I said many times in the past, the effects of full Moon and new Moon last for two days before and after, which can be called a 'shadow zone'. This incident also happened exactly during one such.

At that time, Taurus 21 degree was rising at San Jose. There were Sun at 11th degree, Rahu at 17th degree and Venus at 27th degree in Taurus forming an argala and crushing the Ascendent degree. The strong effect of full Moon could be seen in Taurus-Scorpio axis, aided by the exalted Nodes, affecting the Lagna very strongly. The Moon who signifies the mind is with exalted Ketu (Mars) creating a favorable time for violent destructive acts. Above all, Mercury who was the Karaka for sanity of mind was in zero degrees, in rasi sandhi, indicating loss of reason and logical thinking.
Usually, we become unbalanced on full Moon and new Moon days and in their shadow zones. This bad energy can influence different individuals in different ways. People who are naturally angry will become unduly irritated in these times. Such people will lose their control and behave like madmen. Their inherent emotional conflicts tend to surface.

Samuel James Cassidy, the killer, was an employee of a Rail company. It seems he had some anger issues with his colleagues and his employers regarding work distribution. Finally his pent up anger burst forth at this dark hour killing 8 people and seriously injuring another.
Now you may get a doubt and ask - 'As you always say, It should be Gemini that indicates USA. Now the Lagna was Taurus and Gemini is no way connected. How can you justify this incident in the light of your past statements?' To understand this, you need to know about another sutra of Indian astrology which is called 'achchadana yoga' or shadow effect.
According to this sutra, a planet casts its shadow on its 2nd and 12th houses. When the Nodes are in the a owned by a planet, that planet's hindsight will be more strong. Though this sutra has been mentioned in one or two of the classical texts on Indian astrology, none of the present day astrologers are using this extensively in their predictions.

Now, let me explain this sutra to you.

Ketu was in Scorpio owned by Mars, so Mars has a strong hindsight now. So, he overshadows his 12th house, i.e, Taurus where full Moon is happening now. Moreover, the Ascendant also was Taurus. Mars was at 26th degree and Venus at 27th having a strong shadow effect between them. However, this yoga cannot generate a violent shoot out because Mars and Venus usually indicate sexual crimes. Saturn and Mars seem to fit in well into this incident rather than Venus and Mars. Now listen.
Retro Saturn lands back into Sagittarius and creates mutual aspect between Mars from Gemini and himself. Uranus who is in Aries aspects both Mars and Saturn who already have mutual aspect between them. So, the destructive influence of Uranus is falling on Saturn and Mars, connecting them to a violent incident, the focal point being Gemini which indicates USA. In this way, you will find the clear role of Gemini indicating the incident to happen in USA.

Let us look at the dasa. It was Saturn - Moon - Sun. Saturn is a badhaka to Taurus lagna, in 8th house of destruction with Moon and Sun in full Moon yoga.

This was how the shadow effect of Mars worked out the mishap. I have been citing and explaining hundreds of similar incidents in the past ten years as the effects of full Moons and new Moons. This incident was no different..

On the whole, it again goes to prove the effect of full Moon on the human mind.

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