Saturday, 26 January 2019

'Maha Souram' English E Book released today

According to Indian calendar, today is pushya krishna saptami, the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. So, I am releasing 'Maha Souram' English E book today.

Swami Vivekananda, on his last day, said to his disciples 'You need to write commentaries on the wonderful mantras hidden in the Vedas and let the world know their real meanings'.

He said these immortal words, citing the following mantra from the Taittiriya Upanishad 

'antarena taluke| sa esa stana ivavalambate| sendra yoni:| yatrasou kesantou vivartate| vyapohya sirsakapale| 

I described in my first book sri vidya rahasyam (The secret of Sri Vidya, in Enlgish) how this wonderful mantra was suggesting khecari yoga. Maha Souram too is a wonderful compendium of powerful Sun mantras which have deep esoteric meanings. So, I am releasing this book today, on the auspicious birthday of Swami Vivekananda.

I believe that this English book will be much appreciated by the international readers who cannot understand the original Telugu book. Like my other books, this book also is available from

2019 will see many more invaluable books from my pen and I promise they will become treats to the spiritually hungry souls worldwide.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

What happened in Panchawati in 2018?

The following things happened in Panchawati in 2018.

1. Second edition of my Telugu book 'Sri Vidya Rahasyam' with a new chapter named 'The four traditions' was released. The new chapter contains about fifty Telugu poems that explain the four traditions of Sri Vidya in lucid style. Some of the printer's devils have been corrected.

2. A new book named 'Hidden meanings of Lalita Sahasra Nama' has been released. It is the English translation of my Telugu book called 'Lalita Sahasra Nama Rahasyardha Pradipika'.

3. Second edition of my Enlgish book 'Secret of Sri Vidya' has been released.

4. 'Vijnana Bhairava Tantra' Telugu E- book and print books have been released. This book contains many of my sadhana experiences and insights.

5. 'Vijnana Bhairava Tantra' English E book and Print book have been released.

6. Telugu E books and print books of 'Dattatreya Yoga Shastram' and 'Jabala Darsana Upanishad' were released.

7. 'The science of Yoga according to Lord Dattatreya', and 'Jabala Darshana Upanishad' have been released.

8. A spiritual retreat involving members of Panchawati group has been conducted at Guntur.

9. We purchased a house at Jillellamudi, the place of Mother of Jillellamudi. On that occasion, we conducted a spiritual retreat over there.

9. 'Maha Souram' my latest Telugu E book has been released.

10. We conducted a spiritual retreat at Warangal with members of our group. 

11. We visited Jayarambati, Kamarpukur, Dakshineswar and Belur Math along with about forty members of Panchawati. 'Maha Souram' Telugu print book has been released at Jayarambati.

There developed a family bonding among Panchawati members. They understood themselves well. In this process they evolved further in their inner life and came closer to me.

2018 offered many valuable insights to our members and opened up new direction in their lives. On the whole, 2018 has been a very satisfying year to all of us.

Our spiritual journey continues !!