Saturday 14 August 2021

GSLV F - 10 Launch Failed - Astro Reasons

GSLV rocket intended to place an EOS (Eye on Sky) satellite in the orbit has been launched at 5.43 hours on 12-8-2021. The rocket functioned well till the cryogenic engine failed to ignite in the third stage of its flight. Let me analyze the Astro reasons that contributed to this mission failure.

For any Muhurta, Sun in Lagna is not a welcome sign because then the Lagna gets burnt. Sun is very close to the Lagna. So, this was certanly not a good time to launch the rocket.

The rocket needs to travel a great distance in space before reaching its orbit. 9th Lord Jupiter is in 8th house, lands in 7th house and gets debilitated from where he directly looks at the Lagna. So, there is a clear indication that the long distance travel will fail.

Venus is the karaka planet for aero planes and rockets. He has left Leo and entered Virgo. He is very weak being in 0 degree and debilitated. So, he does not favor the launch.

Now I will show you the biggest bad yoga in this chart.

Pluto who is known as Yama or the god of death in Indian Astrology, is in 0 degree Capricorn and having exact trinal aspect on the debilitated Venus. Pluto is the farthest planet in the solar system. It has minus 240 C temperature. So, you can say it is a cryogenic planet. When a cryogenic planet which represent death is having its exact aspect on the karaka for the launch, what will happen? The cryogenic engine of the rocket will fail. It was exactly what has happened.

Added to this dark state of affairs, 8th lord Saturn was looking at Venus with its 10th aspect. This could mean failure.

Now let us look at the Muhurta dasa.

It was Sun-Venus-Sun-Saturn-Venus. The roles of Sun, Saturn and Venus are clearly visible. I have explained how these three planets were obstructing the launch.

Now, you may doubt, 'The scientists never look at Astrology and Muhurta in their projects. How come their earlier launches were so successful?' The answer is, time had favored them with good Muhurtas without their knowledge. That is what we call good luck or favors of Time or God's blessing.

There lie many unseen reasons behind every success. Effort alone can never bestow success. It needs to be backed up by many invisible supporting influences. Only then a man reaches success.

We are living in the solar system. How can we say 'The planets have no influence on us'. It will be as good as saying 'Gravity cannot work on us'.

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