Monday 7 June 2021

MSP effect continues - Pakistan train accident and heavy rains in Sri Lanka

Mars - Saturn - Pluto effect continues !

Today morning, two passenger trains collided with each other in South Pakistan, killing 40 people and injuring 120. The first train derailed onto the adjacent track and hit by another train coming in the opposite direction.

Mars is at 3 degrees Cancer and Pluto is at 2 degrees Capricorn accompanied by Saturn. Pakistan lies between India and Afghanistan, so it should be at Capricorn 3 degrees. As Capricorn is an earthy sign, an accident on earth has happened in Pakistan.

Incidentally, Sri Lanka has been reeling under heavy rains from yesterday with several hundreds of homes damaged and 245,000 people badly affected. As Sri Lanka is ruled by Leo, MSP effect hitting its 12th house Cancer (a watery sign) indicates danger from water, in this case heavy rains.

This is how, same planetary yoga affects different countries in different ways, depending upon the karma of their citizens.

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